Daytona Homes Give Back – A Holiday Surprise to Delton School

Last Friday, December 12th,  the staff at Daytona Homes donated whole day gifts computers and more to Delton school in Edmonton, Alberta.

More than 200 of Daytona homes employees from cross Alberta join together to help out a deserving school. They passed out presents and books to children and didn’t forget about the teachers and they are hoping to have an impact on these children’s lives. Most of these children have limited or no access to the Internet but with Daytona homes help and gifts of Chrome books the students will have the same opportunities as others in Edmonton.

For more information about the generosity of Daytona homes check out their video on youtube here: VIDEO or go to Daytona Homes Facebook page.

It’s great to see the generosity of Alberta companies trying to make a difference in peoples lives. Watching the video and seeing the joy that this day brought to the lives of those children was wonderful. Congratulations to the management and staff at Daytona Homes for showing great holiday spirit and continuing education in our community all at the same time.

Don’s Power Vac Home Pro’s company is proud to to do business with community minded companies like Daytona homes.