The week of August 12th-18th brought fluctuating air quality to Spruce Grove, Alberta, primarily due to smoke drifting from wildfires in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. These wildfires, intensified by dry conditions and strong winds, have caused significant smoke to spread across Alberta, affecting communities like Spruce Grove.

Sources of Smoke in Spruce Grove

The smoke impacting Spruce Grove has travelled from large wildfires in neighbouring provinces. These fires have been particularly severe this season, contributing to the hazy conditions that have reduced air quality in the area.

Protecting Yourself Indoors When Air Quality in Spruce Grove is Poor

To mitigate the effects of poor air quality, especially during heavy smoke days, residents of Spruce Grove can take the following steps to protect indoor air quality:

  1. Seal Your Home: Keep windows and doors closed to prevent smoke from entering your living spaces. If possible, seal any gaps to further reduce the infiltration of outdoor air.
  2. Use Air Purification Systems: Air purifiers with HEPA filters are highly effective in removing smoke particles from the air inside your home. Consider placing them in the most-used rooms for the best protection.
  3. Maintain Your HVAC System: Ensure that your HVAC system is equipped with high-efficiency filters and that these filters are regularly cleaned or replaced. Proper maintenance of your system is essential for reducing indoor pollutants.
  4. Avoid Indoor Pollutants: Refrain from activities that can worsen indoor air quality, such as burning candles, using a fireplace, or smoking indoors. These can add to the already compromised air quality.
  5. Stay Informed: Regularly check local air quality reports and advisories. Keeping track of the air quality index (AQI) can help you determine when it’s safe to spend time outdoors and when you should stay inside.

By taking these precautions, residents of Spruce Grove can protect themselves and their families from the adverse health effects associated with smoke and poor air quality during this period.

For more information on air quality updates and health advisories, visit local health authority websites and stay informed with the latest meteorological data.